National Poetry Day was 6th October and all the students in school were invited to enter the poetry competition, which this year had the theme of “Messages”

Over 60 fantastic entries were received but “Victoria’s Message” by Elise O’Connell in year 7 was judged to be the overall winner.

Elise can be seen in the picture collecting her well-deserved prize

Victoria’s Message

By Elsie O’Connell – 7AW

I sit here waiting with a tear in my eye
Staring at the dark, grey sky
Then all of a sudden a bird flew by
I knew it was Victoria, above the roof top so high…

I let out a whistle, she swooped to my side
Carrying a message, on her leg it was tied
My heart it was pounding, I was nervous inside
My fears and my hopes, I could not hide.

I opened the letter and started to read,
The words from my husband, I fell to my knees
Oh thank you my lord, for keeping him safe
So let him come home, I beg of you please

Till you are here safe and sound
From this dangerous war
I’ll pray every day
till you walk through the door.

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