Personal Development
Personal development overview
Intent Statement
Stemming from our vision for every pupil to experience high ambition, challenge and support, through our Personal Development curriculum we seek to develop every member of our school community as a well-rounded individual who is equipped with the keys to open doors and the courage to feel they can open them.
The Personal Development curriculum equips our pupils with essential knowledge that will enable them to make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing, relationships, career aspirations and their contribution to the local, national and global community. It develops pupils’ capacity to make sound decisions when facing risks and challenges and supports our pupils in knowing how and when to ask for help and how to access support.
The Personal Development curriculum at Holly Lodge is built around three core themes: Relationships, Health and Wellbeing and Living in the Wider World. Across these core themes key priorities will be identified, stemming from pupil and parent voice, pastoral and safeguarding patterns and trends and scrutiny of local contextual data to identify pupil need.
British Values
The promotion of ‘British values’ is central to education because British values have their origin in the values of our nation.
British values are considered to be:
- Democracy
- Rule of law
- Individual liberty
- Mutual respect
- Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.
At Holly Lodge, we recognise not only the importance of helping pupils to develop academically but also spiritually, morally, socially and culturally. Our aim is that they are fully prepared for life in British society, to take their role as good citizens, able to make the best possible contribution to the Common Good.
Since September 2020 the requirements set out for schools for Relationships and Sex Education has changed. The requirements of what pupils need to learn are set out below (These expectations are set out in the Department for Education’s guidance for schools on relationships education, RSE and health education.
At Holly Lodge, these topics are delivered within the PSHE Curriculum, which is taught once a week for pupils in year 8 and year 9. All other year groups will partake in an extended form time once per half term where the content will be delivered. The curriculum map sets out what topics are taught in each year group. Pupils in Year 7 for instance will be taught about friendships, bullying, positive body image, this will then be built upon in year 8 to include more age appropriate topics. In this way the curriculum spirals, building on prior knowledge.
Parents/Carers can choose to withdraw their child from some aspects of PSHE. If you wish to discuss this, please contact the school.
Our Careers Information and Guidance programme gives pupils opportunities to see the wider world and develop their knowledge and experiences to support their decisions in life. Pupils receive a balance of academic and technical advice and guidance. It is a programme that is informed by the local labour market and responds flexibly to the needs of the pupils and the opportunities available to guide and support pupils in shaping their own ambitious futures. We give pupils the opportunity to speak to employers from a range of sectors and work closely with Careers Connect, local providers and colleges. We encourage and welcome visitors to our school on a regular basis.
We are currently reviewing our PSHE and RSE curriculum and will be updating this content shortly
Additional Information
for parents and students

Values and Ethos
Holly Lodge Girls’ College is committed to an inclusive school ethos which promotes race equality…

School documents
Complete list of Holly Lodge Girls’ College policy and procedure documents for download …

School Gallery
See all the latest images from our school trips, sporting events and fun days involving our students …

School Facilities
Holly Lodge Girls’ College has some of the most impressive and modern facilities in liverpool…
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Student Travel 2021-22
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Contact the school

0151 228 3772
140 Mill Lane, Liverpool L12 7LE