Missed our Open Evening? Take a look here at the presentation from the event, giving a little more information and explaining why we should be your first choice.

Holly Lodge Girls' College


Only non-denominational girls' school in Liverpool We "Expect to Achieve" Rated Good by Ofsted in 2024 For Holly Lodge 6th Form - @hlgc_6thform
  • Just a few days left until the closing date for the  Liverpool & Sefton Poetry Competition ‘Poetry in Verse’! Visit the website for more details. 
#HollyLodgeLife #ExpectToAchieve
  • Make online safety a priority in school and be part of the UK’s biggest celebration of online safety. Today is #SaferInternetDay and @UK_SIC have a range of free resources to help young people talk about scams online. 🛜
#HollyLodgeLife #ExpectToAchieve
  • Heading into our final week of the half term! A reminder that school will finish at the usual time of 3pm on Friday. 
#HollyLodgeLife #ExpectToAchieve
  • We are coming to the last few posts in our series of Books for Above and Beyond - next up is science! 🧪 🧫🔭🔬
#HollyLodgeLife #ExpectToAchieve
  • Our Year 11 Countdown Plans are all printed and ready to be distributed on Monday! They play a vital role in ensuring students are prepared way in advance for their exams, providing a revision structure for them throughout the coming months. 📖
#HollyLodgeLife #ExpectToAchieve
  • A whole load of Queue Jump winners this week for Year 10! Well done everyone 👏
#HollyLodgeLife #ExpectToAchieve
  • How are your Sixth Form applications going? Thanks to those of you who have already submitted ✨ There’s still time to apply!
#HollyLodgeLife #ExpectToAchieve
  • We are entering another KS3 Writing competition! Submit your entries to Mrs Edwards by 27th February ✍️
#HollyLodgeLife #ExpectToAchieve
  • Thanks to Miss Morse for being Chess Club’s very first VIP of the term, our players really enjoyed playing (and beating) you! Chess Club returns next Wednesday 3-4pm, with THREE VIP challengers ready to take on our participants.
#HollyLodgeLife #ExpectToAchieve

School Calendar

Holly Lodge Girls’ College calendar of events including parents evening and open days…

School documents

Complete list of Holly Lodge Girls’ College policy and procedure documents for download …

School Gallery

See all the latest images from our school trips, sporting events and fun days involving our students …

School Facilities

Holly Lodge Girls’ College has some of the most impressive and modern facilities in liverpool…

“Students benefit from a good programme of careers advice and are well supported in achieving places at the university of their choice.”

“Behaviour around school is exemplary. The school is a calm environment where girls socialise well together and manage their own behaviour appropriately.”

Ofsted May 2017

“Holly Lodge has made my daughter’s first year and transition from primary school as supportive and seamless as possible. Most of all, she loves her school and doesn’t want to miss a single lesson, even going to school when she has felt under the weather. You can’t recommend a school more than that, A+ Holly Lodge!”

Year 7 Parent

Pupils talked convincingly about the challenge they experienced in the classroom.

Ofsted May 2017

Pupils make impressive gains in reading and mathematical skills.

Ofsted May 2017

All pupils are supported in subjects to improve their literacy and numeracy skills.

Ofsted May 2017

Pupils have to think for themselves and are not told answers too quickly.

Ofsted May 2017

Contact the school
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0151 228 3772


140 Mill Lane, Liverpool L12 7LE

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